Sunday, March 22, 2015

Montparnasse -- Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway, 1899-1961

There are never any suicides in the quarter among people one knows
No successful suicides.
A Chinese boy kills himself and is dead.
(they continue to place his mail in the letter rack at the Dome)
A Norwegian boy kills himself and is dead.
(no one knows where the other Norwegian boy has gone)
They find a model dead
alone in bed and very dead.
(it made almost unbearable trouble for the concierge)
Sweet oil, the white of eggs, mustard and water, soap suds
and stomach pumps rescue the people one knows.
Every afternoon the people one knows can be found at the café.
Le Dome


  1. Dig it.

    Let me ask though. As a clinical psychic, do you think this would be appropriate to put on a card for my friend Jerry's 60th birthday, for a trip to AC this weekend?

  2. I think Jerry would appreciate it!

  3. And they printed it up and put it on his pillow in the room in the Borgata.
    All worked out just fine.


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